Ring 216 November Meeting: Coming Nov. 8

Officers elections, teaching, and open performances 

On Nov. 8, 2023, Ring 216 will host our monthly meeting both live and streaming on Zoom!

Here's what's on the agenda:

  • Officers elections (see below)
  • Teaching magic: If you would like to share a move or idea, teach it to us!
  • Open performances: Show us your magic! We'll provide feedback and suggestions if you want.

The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.! We'll be at our usual location at Yu-Ai Kai Senior Center, 588 North 4th Street, San Jose, CA.

And we will stream it on Zoom for those who can't make it. You will receive the Zoom link on Wednesday.

2024 Officers Elections

There is one open position this year on the slate. This is a great opportunity for “qualifying candidates” to get involved with leadership of the club. As an officer you will have a vote in the club’s direction, provide a valuable service, expand your social network, meet new magicians and have fun. Candidates must be 18 years or older.

  • Treasurer – A great opportunity for a key position to run the club finances.

Current Candidates that have qualified by nominating committee are:

  • President: Dan Chan
  • Vice President: Mitch Kothe, Syd Kashima (Note: Two V.P. positions are proposed)
  • Secretary: Gary Goldberg
  • Treasurer: OPEN
  • Webmaster: Dylan Levine
  • Sergeant at Arms: Yitian Liang
  • President Emeritus: David Martinez

All paid up Ring 216 members are invited to submit their names to also be considered as a nominee for any of the above positions. Deadline is ASAP.

Also any Ring 216 member can challenge final nominees by a floor nomination at the election. Ring membership and qualification must be validated at the election to be nominated as a floor candidate. If we have more than one nominee for a position then a secret ballet will be held to determine the winner.

For inquiries contact Cal Tong at calvinloutong@yahoo.com or Fred Rasmussen at fredemail@comcast.net.

2023 Parlor/Stage Magic Competition

Coming Wednesday, Dec. 13

We are now taking signups for the final competition of the year, the 2023 Parlor/Stage Magic Competition.

Please learn about the competition and read the rules here.

To sign up, send email to president@ring216.org.